Latest News | 1 November 2022
Danish homewares store to launch

Danish homewares brand Søstrene Grene is set to launch its new Derbion store later this week.
The 4,000 sq ft store is set to open its doors at the shopping centre on Friday, with goodie bags for the first 100 customers.
Derby will be the company’s fifth UK store and will feature minimalistic, Scandinavian designs in a wide range of homewares, furniture, kitchen products, Christmas decorations, gifts, wrapping paper, cards, hobby crafts, toys, accessories and “mini home” products for children.

The Derby store will also introduce Søstrene Grene’s new concept, which offers a shopping experience designed to “invoke the senses”.
Mikkel Grene, chief executive and co-owner of Søstrene Grene, said: “We are very happy to be opening a store in Derby.
“It will introduce our new shopping experience as this will be our very first Søstrene Grene store in the UK presenting our new store concept called ‘Retail for the Senses’.”