Latest News | 1 August 2023
Deputy lieutenants at the double

The Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire has announced the appointment of two new deputy lieutenants.
Dr Amo Raju OBE, chief executive of Disability Direct, and Professor Paula Holt MBE, will support the work of the Derbyshire Lieutenancy.
Last year Amo was awarded a Doctorate by the University of Derby and this year was recognised with an OBE for his services to disabled people.

Paula, who started her career as a general nurse, enjoyed a 19-year career in higher education, leaving the University of Derby as a pro vice chancellor.
She currently works in the area of nursing and midwifery regulation as a senior advisor.
She is also the recently appointed president of the Derbyshire Royal British Legion.
Together they will support the Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire, Elizabeth Fothergill CBE, who is chair of Pennine Healthcare.