Latest News | 28 September 2022
Rotary Club set to launch Shoebox Appeal

The Rotary Club of Derby is set to launch its annual campaign to fill shoeboxes with gifts for children in Ukraine and other countries in Eastern Europe who would otherwise receive nothing at Christmas.
It is inviting businesses, schools, churches, clubs and other organisations to fill shoeboxes with presents suitable for giving to a young boy or girl.
When the shoeboxes have been filled, Rotary Club members will collect them and take them to a collection centre, where they will be checked by an experienced team of helpers.
These volunteers work tirelessly through the year creating extras to top up the boxes where necessary.
The boxes are then collected by the organising charity, Teams4U, who arrange for them to be transported to a country in Eastern Europe and distributed to needy children.

The Rotary Club will be holding an event at the River Mill, at Darley Abbey Mills, on Monday 3 October, to officially launch this year’s appeal.
At the event, which starts at 2pm, Simon Cooke, the son of the Teams4U founder, Dave Cooke, will speak about this year’s appeal and the charity’s work in Ukraine.
Marketing Derby Bondholders are welcome to attend the launch by calling Ben on 07563 531811.
Anyone wishing to donate a shoebox, help in the warehouse, or need further information can contact John Worthy at or John Cartmell at